Very often the terms Counseling and Therapy/Psychotherapy are used interchangeably. However, they are slightly different.
Counseling Services
Offer support and a safe space to process emotions for individuals, couples and families experiencing painful or uncomfortable life changes and situations such as:
Relationship Issues: Divorce/Break-ups/ Healthy Parenting and Co-Parenting
Stress Management
Grief (due to loss of a loved one, relationship, pet, job, home, or health)
Female Empowerment
Healthy Communication
Sustained Recovery from Self-Defeating Behaviors
Premarital Counseling
Enhances emotional quality of life by learning how to respond to stressors. This includes changing thoughts and behaviors while acquiring long-term coping skills. Our team's areas of expertise is extensive and includes, but is not limited to:
Abuse: Sexual, Physical, Verbal, Emotional
Depression/Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Poor Self-Esteem/Negative Body Image
Co-dependency /Unhealthy Relationships
Self-Defeating Behaviors
Sexuality/LGBTQ/ Gender Identity